©2024 by Jerry Wise Relationship Systems. 

There is a hidden, unaddressed cause to your unchanging lifelong issues

Tell me if any of this sounds familiar: 

You're struggling with all of this, not because there’s something “wrong” with you. 

Unfortunately, the root cause is deeper and even hidden. 

It’s the reason you might feel you’ve made progress… 

…only to find yourself stuck in the similar patterns the next day. 

You see, even if you’ve had breakthroughs, you’ll always end up right back where you started because… 

Your core issue still hasn’t been resolved 

And because of your narcissistic family programming, it's almost impossible to spot on your own.

But it’s the reason why even as an adult, the impacts of your childhood and family dysfunction are still deeply impacting your life and relationships.

So you still get uncontrollably reactive and unsettled in your family and close relationships...

And why the moment you decide to change the way you interact in your relationships, your wheels spin in the mud…

…even though you really want it to be different…

It’s why 10, 20, 30 years later you’re STILL struggling to have healthy and normal relationships

And even though you sought extensive help over the years...

Have members of your family been the cause of many of the pains and problems in your life?

Does the mere thought, memory or any form of interaction with them set off feelings of unease and reactivity in you?

Have you found that despite all the help you got over the years, your core issues are still deep-rooted in you?

If you have, what I’m about to say may be uncomfortable.

But you need to hear it.

If you grew up in a dysfunctional narcissistic family, there’s a much higher risk that…

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You don't know how to respond to their constant gaslighting, silent treatment, intimidations and manipulations.

Setting boundaries never works because they make you feel guilty, ashamed or doubtful for doing so.

You want to know how to be yourself, but you never learned how to be you, especially when others don't like it or even fight it.

You want to stop being reactive to others and become unimpacted by their toxic behaviors.

You want to trust yourself without self-doubt and always second guessing yourself.

Often therapy doesn’t even come close to fixing your core issue

You spent years of your life and thousands of dollars in therapy and recovery programs.  

But still feel that some issues are deeply stuck in you.

Because unhealthy and enmeshed relationships are NOT the cause of your problems, but only the symptom.

That's why, even though you work hard in therapy, you still find yourself drowning in a sea of pain, self-doubt, loneliness, guilt, and shame.

Because what your narcissistic, dysfunctional family taught you — and didn't teach you — is the blueprint you keep using in your relationships. 

Other programs are missing the most important link to your recovery

They don’t teach you about family and self-differentiation.

But offer band-aid remedies to navigating broken relationship dynamics without actually getting the core of it all.

They address the wrong part of your issues, failing to change what will finally help you get your family and their toxic impact OUT OF YOU.

So eventually, your problems come right back.

Because not all change is change that can stick.

It’s never too late to get your family of origin OUT OF YOU.  

Imagine enjoying a life of self trust, peace and healthy relationships appearing before your eyes.

The uncontrollable reactivity and painful patterns you've found yourself in again and again disappear.

Instead, you start to look forward to the future.

The world seems calmer, hopeful and more in your control.

Even if toxic or immature others never change.

You take command of your own life, and you don’t need anyone else to give you permission.

You see, it all becomes possible when you know why you’ve been struggling all these years…

As an adult from a narcissistic family, you never received the emotional ability to navigate your relationships in a healthy and self differentiated way

The blueprint you were given for relationships is built on dysfunction.

The childish, immature, narcissistic ways your parents acted when you were a child have impacted and limited who you are today.
You’ve learned to please other people’s needs and wants, before you can tune into your own.

That’s why “being yourself” doesn’t work, why you always felt unsettled in your relationships.

You were never taught how to have a real self, because the truth is, you were never allowed to have one.

You didn’t get the memo…but it’s IMPOSSIBLE for you to have a normal relationship because you don't know what normal FEELS like or how to make it part of who you really are.

That’s why I created this program.

Get the tools, insight, and guidance you need to finally build your TRUE SELF and become IMMUNE to narcissistic family and people. 


Program Modules Breakdown:

You’re ready to do the work of healing, but you need guidance navigating the intense relationship dysfunction you are so used to.

For the last 45 years, I’ve helped 1000s of people in the same situation as you… 

As a family and self-differentiation coach, I use my knowledge to help clients permanently get unstuck from family dysfunction and find a true sense of self.

Many of my clients say I’ve done more to help them in three sessions than in a full year with a traditional therapist.

If your relationships have been unhealthy for a long time and you don’t know what to do, please enroll in this program and start changing your life today.

Jerry T. Wise, MA, MS, CLC 

How is the program delivered and structured?

The program is designed to fit seamlessly into your own schedule. You'll receive immediate access to all 6 modules (+ bonuses), each packed with powerful insights, practical tools, and engaging exercises. This self-paced approach allows you to tailor the program to your unique challenges, progress at your own pace, and work towards achieving the specific outcomes you signed up for.

What if I need personal help while working through the program?

The program is built in a way that is easy to understand and implement. If you need help, you can always ask your questions in the program's community. Members dealing with the same issues as you, or the team, will direct you to the program modules and tools that will be most helpful for your specific situation.

What if I'm already seeing a therapist or enrolled in another program?

If you find Jerry's videos and ideas helpful, joining the program can provide a strong foundation to make your sessions with your therapist or your involvement in another program more effective. If you feel that your current therapy or program is somewhat helpful but not fully helping you get your family out of you, this program will be crucial to you.

What is the program refund policy?

We understand the value of your investment in your personal growth and healing journey. Due to the digital nature of our products and the immediate, unrestricted access granted to all the program materials and live sessions, we are unable to offer refunds once your purchase is complete.

How long do I have access to the program for?

You'll have full access for an entire year to the program and the community. This gives you ample time to fully absorb the material, revisit it as needed, work at your own pace, and achieve maximum progress from the program. Plus you’ll be able to download all of the tools and exercises and keep them FOREVER AND EVER.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Escaping The Family Role and Getting It Out of You

In this first module, you’ll increase your understanding of your family dynamics and break free from your predetermined role within the family.
You'll learn how to identify and eliminate toxic beliefs, emotions and behavior patterns that have been influenced by your family's programming.  

Additionally, this module will help you address issues such as shame, guilt, childhood trauma, anger, anxiety, loneliness, isolation, abandonment, and neglect.  

You’ll work towards becoming your real SELF and getting unstuck from the dysfunction in your family.

The ‘Family Glue’ Tool: Understand how your dysfunctional family's "superself" is keeping you stuck and how to break free from it. Learn to recognize your family’s limited reality and build a life outside of it.


The ‘Anxiety Pinging Detector’ Tool:  Learn how to identify when dysfunction is "pinging" you and discover strategies for managing situations with high anxiety and reactivity. You'll learn how to resist being pulled down to a dysfunctional level, and reduce the pain and control of anxiety in your life and relationships.

The ‘Family Emotional Inheritance’ Tool:  Identify the issues that need to be addressed in your family, and overcome the ones that have been passed onto you from family imprinting. You'll learn how to start being different from your family's emotional inheritance.


Building Healthy Boundaries That Reject Toxicity & Enmeshment

In module two, you’ll learn about the hidden forces at play in relationships, how to recognize the signs of emotional enmeshment and how to detach from enmeshed relationships in order to be your true self. 

Additionally, you'll be trained to prevent other people's dysfunctions from impacting you and directing your life. 

The ‘Tennis Net’ Tool: A practical tool to help you internalize the subtle dance of healthy relationships and how to stay out of enmeshed dynamics and situations. Learn to navigate difficult relationships where you are in charge of you, without needing to be in charge of them.


‘Observe the Family-Superself’ Tool: Learn to easily step outside of the family reactivity, develop a greater sense of objectivity and stay non-reactive, especially in highly-charged emotional dynamics.

The ‘Intentional Under-Functioning’ Tool: Reduce stress and gain a stronger sense of self by stopping to overfunction in your relationships. This tool will help you reject taking responsibility for others' excessive needs and emotional immaturities, allowing you to prioritize what is right for you without guilt or shame.


Overcoming Chronic Guilt, Shame, Anxiety & Low Self Esteem

In this module, you'll learn to recognize and differentiate between your authentic thinking and feelings, and those that were programmed into you as a way to maintain the balance in your family.
Get practical tools to finally take charge of your REAL emotions without being overwhelmed by others' toxic feelings and reactions. Free yourself from the chains of guilt, shame, and anxiety as you learn to trust your own thoughts and feelings, and let go of toxic beliefs that are keeping you stuck. 

The ‘True Feelings vs System’s Feelings’ Tool: As an adult child of a dysfunctional family, this tool will guide you to differentiate between feelings that you should explore and those you should ignore because they were programmed into you by your family. By using this tool, you will experience significant reductions in feelings of guilt, shame, and chronic anxiety. You’ll reclaim control over your emotional life.


‘Feel-Think Awareness’ Tool: Reduce reactivity from others and gain greater detachment, leading to a stronger sense of self. You will learn to identify enmeshment from others and how it affects you, allowing your values and beliefs to dictate your actions and behavior.

‘Cooperating with Self vs Other Healing’ Tool: This tool is designed to promote self-healing by helping you grow and heal, even in the face of resistance or non-cooperation from others. Additionally, you will gain the skills to be non-impacted by other people’s limitations, immaturities and dysfunction.


Monthly Group Coaching included


Becoming Immune to Reactivity, Toxic Behaviors & Pushbacks From Others

In module four, you’ll learn to recognize your patterns of emotional reactivity and stop reacting in your relationships. You'll steer clear of maturity detours that cause long-term anxiety and pain.

You'll understand the stages of resistance and use them to strengthen emotional resilience, build your emotional backbone, self-belief, and self-confidence.You’ll stand firm in the face of dysfunction and strong resistance.

You'll release inherited coping mechanisms for dysfunction, develop healthy response habits rooted in your authentic self, and assert yourself clearly, rather than attempting to change others.

The ‘Living at 90 Degrees’ Tool:  This practical tool will help you remain neutral, objective, and self-differentiated in intense situations or relationships. It equips you to calmly stay true to yourself while resisting enmeshed or unhealthy dynamics.


The ‘Predicting Resistance’ Tool:  This tool will help you master anticipating resistance or opposition in a situation, allowing you to prepare and potentially adjust your behavior accordingly. In addition, you will learn to healthily manage dysfunctional dynamics in difficult relationships, without needing to negotiate your boundaries or losing yourself in the situation.

The ‘Downsides of the Good Thing’ Tool: This tool is a powerful solution for adult children of dysfunctional families who have felt trapped and helpless for too long. By using this tool, you will get unstuck from chronic feelings of anxiety, guilt, shame, and enmeshment, and achieve clarity and control over your situation and sense of self.


Self-Differentiation & Standing Strong as Your Differentiated SELF

This module is designed to help you move beyond the limitations of your family's dysfunction and finally understand who you truly are in relationships and life. 

Use self differentiation to develop a solid sense of self, build inner confidence and self-trust, no matter what others expect from you.
The module will equip you with the tools to establish strong and effective boundaries, learn healthy responses to boundary violations, learn who you really are and maintain your true self in all situations and relationships.

The ‘SELF Focus’ Tool: Outgrow enmeshed patterns and ways of thinking by learning how to focus on yourself rather than others. Master the art of asking ‘self-focused’ rather than ‘other-focused’ questions to change how you participate in enmeshed dynamics and make your problems easier and more practical to solve.


The ‘Defining Internal Boundaries’ Tool: This tool will help you develop effective and real boundaries that stick, as well as healthy resistance and responses to boundary violations. Learn to detach in a healthy way, reduce others’ ability to trigger you, and make having clear boundaries your first nature.

‘My Reactivity Triggers’ Tool: This tool will help you take control of your emotional patterns and become less reactive to others’ immaturities and limitations.

The ‘Self Differentiation Circuit Breaker’ Tool: Master the art of handling the most difficult relationships and situations with healthy resistance and with ease. With practical, effective responses, you'll be able to maintain your sense of self, stay self-differentiated, and assert your boundaries, even in the face of strong resistance from others.


Being Your Differentiated Self In Healthy Relationships

In the final module, you'll learn what it looks like to be healthy in your relationships and in your life. This includes developing a non-reactive and non-anxious connectedness, as well as understanding what healthy intimacy and attachment looks and feels like.
Finally, you’ll discover how to attract healthy people, cultivate healthy relationships and make them your new norm.

The ‘Defining Connectedness’ Tool: This tool will help you define and choose the relationships that are healthy for you. Enhance your relationship management skills in the face of personal and interpersonal limitations and imperfections. Let go of unrealistic relationship expectations inherited from your dysfunctional family and build genuine self-trust in navigating relationships.


The ‘Connecting Despite Differences’ Tool:  Practice healthy connection with others and shift from bounding solely based on similarities to easily navigating differences in your relationships. No longer fear being yourself, as this tool fosters an environment where individuality and differentiation are the new norm in building meaningful connections.

The ‘Declaring SELF’ Tool: This tool will help you practice confidently expressing your wants, beliefs, and needs in a calm and neutral manner, without the need for external validation. By practicing declaring SELF, you will become comfortable with being your true self, lower your anxiety in relationships and effectively communicate to resolve conflicts and clear the air.

Early Bird Discount: $1599 $1399

Expires June 17th

Join 'Road to SELF' Today

Early Bird Discount: $1599 $1399

Expires June 17th

Early Bird Discount: $1599 $1399

Get immediate access and get your new road to SELF for only $1599.

Grab Full Control of Your Healing!

Get 5 Powerful Workshop Recordings (Valued at $499 each)

Standing Strong as an Adult Child of a Narcissist

Access monthly LIVE group calls with Jerry Wise & the team for a full year (Total Coaching Value of $4200)


Limited-Time Bonuses:


Introduction to Self-Differentiation


Get Your Family of Origin Out of You


Overcoming Guilt and Shame


Reducing Your Reactivity


Or break it up: 3 months, $467 each

Join Today for Only $1399

Here’s what you’ll get:

18 powerful practical tools and exercises you can apply to your own specific struggles. These are the same tools I used to help 1000's of coaching clients break away from family dysfunction.

Monthly Group Coaching Sessions with powerful role plays and live interventions with program participants.

Access the full library of recordings from previous group coaching sessions.

Immediate access to six transformative video modules.

It's time to get your family of origin OUT OF YOU! 

Discover the step-by-step process to build your TRUE SELF and become IMMUNE to narcissistic family & people.

'Road to Self' Program by Jerry Wise:

'Road to Self' Program by Jerry Wise:

Review the program breakdown by clicking here

Get immediate access and get your new road to SELF for only $1599.

Your path to true recovery

1. Standing Strong as an Adult Child of a Narcissist

2. Going Inner No-Contact With Toxic Family

3. The Scapegoat Recovery Workshop

Get immediate access to the self-paced video modules and powerful tools. 

Join a powerful community of self-differentiators. 

Bonus access to the popular workshop recordings:


or Break it up: 6 Months, $99.50

Access 'Road to Self' Today

$597 USD


⭐ You'll have full access to the program and the community for an entire year. This gives you ample time to fully absorb the material, revisit it as needed, work at your own pace, and achieve maximum progress from the program. ⭐

Need help enrolling or have questions? Please contact us at hello@jerrywiserelationshipsystems.com

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